Our approach to working with you is:-
We really understand you – so that we can represent your needs
Find the best possible outcome for you – with co-production at the very heart of the process
Delight you with our service – and provide valuable insights on the journey
Co-operation and consultation is the key to delivery great projects and we are committed to working with you to ensure projects are delivered to expectations.
Our services include:-
With over 10 years of delivering access tested routes our approach will deliver information that can be shared with all your visitors to better plan a site visit.
We will help you find creative and innovative ways of providing access that fits into the countryside and meets the needs of visitors.
We also follow up with post visit information.
Our EqIA helps us to place equality, diversity, cohesion, and integration at the heart of everything we do and make sure your projects meet all the requirements of the equalities act.
In helping you to carry out an EqIA we ensure your work considers the impacts on service users from key groups identified as having protected characteristics.
From inception, planning and initial consultation through to delivery we can help deliver your countryside projects efficiently and without the stress of sourcing external contractors.
With experience in delivering access projects in some of the most protected landscapes in the country, on National Trails and within National Parks including applying for all permissions covering project delivery, we can help you turn your countryside project into a reality.
With over 20 years experience in delivering a wide range of projects with a number of agreed outputs, we utilise meticulous planning, resource management, and problem-solving to deliver your project.
We will steer your project through five phases.
Initiation: define what needs to be done
Planning: work out how you’ll do it
Execution: make the project happen
Monitoring: keep the project on track
Close: hand off deliverables and review results
Improving access in a managed way can have its advantages. Apart from reducing problems of trespass elsewhere on the landholding it can also provide supplementary income through various agri-environmental schemes and in some cases create commercial opportunities for landowners.
We have worked with both local authorities and landowners to deliver permissive access on private land, Protected landowners to ensure their rights are not infringed upon and provided advice on creating access.
As part of any new project, the ethos of providing access for all is a key output in designing any new access.
With over 30 years experience of improving access to leisure facilities, the countryside and water bodies we can provide design advice, guidance, plans and deliver projects on the ground.
In addition with experience of delivering brand new countryside access we can deliver access projects that help deliver your outputs.
Our Biodiversity audits are an exercise in ecological information gathering used by clients who want “to know what they have got” on their site or sites.
Using the latest information, best design principles and a partnership approach we can assist in evidencing BNG on sites.
We deliver many aspects of Environmental Education Learning, from delivering Curriculum design and development to helping run forest schools, promoting the holistic development of all involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.
We also encouraging people to 'live more harmoniously and joyously with the natural world’ through Earthwalks which will help you learn how to lead these 'light, refreshing touches of the natural world, focussing on the senses'.
Green Man
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